Antonio Aiazzi – Linea Gialla

Artist: Antonio Aiazzi
Genre: Electronic
Label: Contempo Records


Piano-music, electronics and field-recordings: it's the surprising musical horizon of the first solo release by Antonio Aiazzi, Litfiba's keyboardist and founder.
Standard black vinyl, CD and a limited edition on clear yellow vinyl with an exclusive insert by italian artist Clet.

Antonio Aiazzi, is not only Litfiba's keyboardist and founder, he's also a soundtrack composer for cinema and theatre (in solo as well with the Beau Geste) and a pulsating soul of countless musical and theatrical projects, the last one being the live show “Nulla è andato perso”, revisiting Gianni Maroccolo's career, released on triple vnyl and double CD by Contempo.
LINEA GIALLA is a sounds collection, all laying in the grey area where electronic and concrete music collide and mix integrating each other.
It's a trip into sounds and enviroment we live in. It's a different way to “listen to” Florence.
On the inner sleeve you will also find the geo-coordinates to reach and listen live the places recorded and included, along with Antonio's compositions, in this little masterpiece.

Track List:
SMN Giro Stanco

Il Falco Meccanico
Passo (Passo del Morto)

“The almost religious silence we used to respect when listening to a record is now gone.
The musical listening is more and more contaminated by the enviroment. Somehow used to this interference constantly modifying our listening, we no more realise how altered and transformed is the music. It’s like we got our eyes used to cut one colour.
All the times I found myself in a recording studio, where the cult of sound still exists, I always think to the end-user listening to that music. Which system is he going to use? Is he going to listen in the streets with a 10 euro headphones surrounded by urban traffic?
Sometimes it all seems a paradox to me.
What about if it was the opposite? How would it be if the concept of listening (music and noise) would be considered differently?
One morning, while having breakfast sitting in a cafè, I suddenly realised how the annoying noise of cups, people talks and laughs and all the sound bazar surrounding me was meaningfull… with a style… a movement… it was somehow logic.
I recorded that situation to listen and edit it in an audio track on my computer. Then I begun to play music, not really knowing what I was doing and where I was going, just letting that little caos take over.”
(Antonio Aiazzi)
